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Writing by Justin 

To date I have written one book and another is under consideration. Both books will be in English. The second book would then be completed sometime in 2023.

Moving Abroad? No Worries (Category: Nonfiction)

Draft book cover and suggested title

This nonfiction book that I am contemplating will be a must-read for anyone about to move abroad or who is already living overseas. It contains a summary of extensive experiences from the perspective of a former expat and third culture kid (TCK). Plenty of anecdotes are shared along the way.

The contents would be intended for future expats, international students, working holiday visa holders, globetrotters, and retirees. Yes, there are probably even chapters in the book that are useful for digital nomads. Singles, families and couples planning to be away for at least six months will all find something they can relate to. There is an emphasis on getting into the right state of mind, Inside you’ll find information about preparations, costs of moving, common mistakes made, finding a place to live, mental well-being, experiencing culture shock, dating and much more.

If they awarded PhDs for moving internationally the hard way, Justin would have graduated with an honorary degree ages ago. Few of his international experiences were achieved the easy way.

The Neural Mind Link (category: fiction)

Date completed: July 2022

The Neural Mind Link was completed in the summer of 2022. The book was never made available to the public. I chose to write it in English as it seemed more appropriate for the plot since the story takes place in a global environment.

The plot takes place in the near future, where a revolutionary technological innovation is paving the way for a new society. Is a dystopian future ahead or can it save humanity?The book follows four people over a period of one hundred years. All four have a direct relationship with the new technology or are strongly influenced by it.

Interested in learning more about my writing? Click here for contact details.